Our Services


Our Services


Our Services

“Beautiful Gate” is a non-profit organization that has been long in advocating care for the life and personal skill development of people with disabilities. Thus, Beautiful Gate <Hope Factory> is a platform that provides training and teaching different skills for the special needs young adults who have various learning disabilities. Our mission is to assist them to develop a self-confidence, self-reliance and healthy lifestyle which brings hope and joy to their life and eventually integrating them into our mainstream society.


Our Direction:

  • Services : Provide Basic Educational Program, independent living skill and vocational skill, Experience healthy outing activities
  • Advocate : To advocate public through social awareness educational, community services activities, neighborhood cares and campaign.
  • Fight : To fight and speak up for the rights of people with disabilities, to advocate and create a barrier-free environment and society.


The services provided by the centre:

  • Provide opportunities for the People with Disabilities the various vocational skills.
  • Provide employment training courses and basic education.
  • Provide opportunities for the People with Disabilities to learn to live independently.
  • Visiting and provide counseling to families with disabled people
  • Organize activities and provide the opportunity to disabled people to exchange opinion and developing friendship.
  • Organize outdoor activities and traveling to enhance disabled people’s self confidence.
  • Organize community service activities.
  • Organize awareness campaign of disabled people to claim their rights and welfare.
  • Organize workplace training programs for people with learning disabilities



“美门” 原为一个平台关注予有需要的人的生命和生活辅助,所以,美门 <希望工厂 >的理念是教导学习障碍的朋友各项训练,建立他们身心灵健全发展;让他们的生命充满喜乐与盼望;更拥有自信与自立的融入社会。



  • 服务:培训 基本教育课程、生活与工作技能、户外实习与体验活动
  • 提倡:社会醒觉教育、社区服务活动、关爱与辅助邻舍
  • 争取:残障权益、推广无障碍环境运动



  • 提供学习工作机会,让残障朋友掌握工作的技能
  • 提供职业培训与基本教育课程
  • 提供学习自立生活的机会让残障同胞迈向自立
  • 探访与辅导,协助有需要的残障家庭
  • 举行喜庆活动,提供残障朋友联谊与交流的机会
  • 举办户外活动和旅游,提升残障朋友的自信心
  • 举办社区服务活动
  • 举办残障醒觉与请愿活动以争取残障人士的权益
  • 学习障碍者职场培训计划