《L.O.V.E 》《有爱。行无碍 》
无障碍醒觉游行Barrier-Free Environment Awareness Walk
调查总结 / Research Result
1 大道路面有坑洞,而且沙尘滚滚,残障人士十分困难自行穿越。
Road surface has potholes and hazy, disabled cannot across road independently.
2 地下水道盖成深坑或有植物阻挡,残障人士无法穿越。
Manholes has become deeper potholes or blocked by plants.
3 行人道上没有盲人专用道,也没有盲人触觉导向道。
There are no tactile guiding blocks installed along the pedestrian.
4 商店或建筑物出入口旁阶梯两旁没有设上扶手导致视障人士无法扶搀上阶梯。
There are not handrails at the entrance of buildings or shop lots.
5 商店或建筑物出入口没有自动门,而且出入口太小,地面滑溜,此外也有阶梯,无法让轮椅使用者自行进入。
Some buildings or shop lots not only without automatic doors but also have a slippery surface and steps. This caused the wheelchair users can’t access to these buildings and shop lots easily.
6 商店或建筑物的电梯空间不大,无法让轮椅使用者进入。
Elevator space isn’t enough for a wheelchair to be fitted in.
7 商店柜台过高,招待员无法看见低于柜台的残障人士。
Service counters are higher than the accessible height for disabled.
8 厕所水喉开关 过高,也没有推门,导致残障人士无法洗手及自行进入厕所。
Toilet isn’t with sliding doors and water tap is higher than accessible height for disabled, it is inconvenient for disabled to access it.
9 饮食中心柜台过高,店内空间也无法让轮椅使用者自行进入。
Serving counter is higher than accessible height for disabled
10 服装店试衣室内的空间太小,无法让轮椅使用者使用。
Space of fitting room is too limited, wheelchair users can’t access it easily.
11 商店或建筑物内的残障人士专用泊车位太少。
Disabled parking lots are limited.
12 商店或建筑物出入口门毯没有贴紧地面,容易绊倒残障人士。
Doormats at entrances aren’t flushed with the floor surface, it could cause disableds stumble on the floor
13 商店或建筑物前没有斜道供轮椅使用者使用。
There is no ramp at the entrance of buildings.
14 路上交通灯没有行人交通灯提示声,让视障人士无法安全过马路。
Traffic lights aren’t installed audible signal for disabled with low vision.
15 交通分界堤无提供残障人士专用越线,让残障人士无法穿越。
Traffic islands haven’t street level pathway cut through them.